Decisions, Decisions

WordPress is extremely powerful and flexible to structure content and data. The more you know, the more choices you have.

When approaching a new WordPress project, it can be daunting. You want to organize things the right way, and you don’t want to get too far down the wrong path — it’s as if there is no return without a complete do-over.

This presentation will focus on the decision process of how we approach organizing content and meta data. Why use Posts vs. Pages? Why use Categories vs. Tags? (more scary – when to opt for Custom Post Types, Custom Fields, Taxonomies). I bring the audience through a decisioning process to build common elements found on WordPress sites, and leave them with (literally and figuratively) a flowchart to make decisions of how to set up a project.

As a bonus (time allowing) I can talk about what to do if you DO go down the wrong path and find you need to restructure your data later. What’s easy (e.g. Categories and Tags Converter) and what’s more difficult (e.g. merging Custom Post Types to Posts), to what’s not possible without SQL intervention (run away!).